Registered CIO charity no 1192433. (previously charity no 1130578)
Call us : 020 8906 3340
Latest News
- Our Sheila has reached her 100th birthday and we celebrated with her at our lunch club. Happy Birthday Sheila!
- Fun at the Silver Service celebration. Peter our musical maestro led the singing. And many thanks to Father Chinedu from the Annunciation church for joining in the celebrations!.
- 40th Anniversary celebration. A big thank you to Francoise and her Choir for putting on an uplifting and entertaining concert. Thank you to the Deputy Mayor and Kelly's of Mill Hill for supporting our 40th anniversary event. And the hard work of the volunteers.
- Our D-Day lunch club was a moment of celebration and sadness as our seniors and volunteers remembered that momentous day
- Our 40th Anniversary celebration. The concert was followed by high tea for everyone. A special thanks to Jane for organizing the catering and baking some delicious cakes.
- Our volunteers get together was a great success. Volunteers give a little of their time every month but it makes a huge difference to our senior citizens. Without them we could not function!
- Lunch time break after some serious retail therapy at London Colney's shopping centre.
- Many thanks to Peter - one of our trustees - for helping out at our recent lunch. We are always looking for lunch volunteers, even just once or twice a month. If you can help do call our office on 020 8906 3340.
- There was also some very useful wheel chair safety training.
- We don't know how we would cope without our minibus. It enables us to take up to 10 clients on one journey. On our recent trip to Morrisons the bus was so overloaded with shopping we had to employ a seat for the over flow.
- A grateful thanks to the Flower Bank in Barnet which kindly gifted our lunch club's senior citizen with daffodils.
Civic Award

We have won a civic award from Barnet Council for our work in the community. Derrick, our chair of trustees, responded with gratitude but said that the recognition of our work is more important than the award.

We Need Your Support
Every donation helps to make a difference for our senior citizens. HOW TO DONATE. For mobiles: scan the QR code with your camera phone. Alternatively, click on this link: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org
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Raise funds for our charity at no extra cost! Click on this link below: Shopping with Easyfundraising

Without volunteers, we would not be able to offer the variety of services which we provide at present. If you can spare a few hours a month, it would make a real difference to someone’s quality of life. Find our more.

Our 2 lunch clubs covering MIll Hill and Burnt Oak offer 2 course meals with tea or coffee at a very reasonable price. An opportunity to socialize and meet new people. Find out more …
Lottery Grant- Reaching Communities

Great News! A big thank you to the Lottery’s ‘Reaching Communities’ Fund which has awarded our charity a substantial grant to help fund our lunch clubs for the next 5 years. This important scheme supports projects and organisations that work to make positive changes in their community.

Where people are lonely or housebound, we may be able to arrange a regular weekly or fortnightly visit from one of our volunteers. Find out more
Social Events and Outings

Join us on one of our special events that can include our regular bingo afternoons and trips to garden centres and places of interest.

Where the use of public transport is difficult for regular clients: senior citizens who routinely use our services. We can provide transportation by minibus to some of our events, such as the lunch clubs. Volunteer drivers also are available to give lifts in their own vehicles to hospitals and GP surgeries. Find out more

Good foot health is something that many of us take for granted. However, if our feet develop problems they can affect many aspects of our lives. Poor foot health can lead to reduced mobility, which in turn can produce serious physical, mental and social consequences. This is particularly true for older people.
Our service is designed to keep older people mobile by doing regular nail cutting, treating corns and removing hard skin. Find out more